Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Homemade farmer's cheese

Last week I tried my hand at making a simple farmers cheese. It is like a ricotta or feta in texture, but very tasty! I walked my sister though the process on the phone and she added rosemary and garlic to hers and it was also delicious! Recipe after the jump.

Homemade Farmers Cheese
1 gallon whole milk ( do not use ultra pasteurized milk, it will not curdle correctly)
Salt (a pinch and up. depends on how salty you like your cheese)
1/2 cup white vinegar

Pour the milk into a large pot (I used my enameled cast iron pot. It is recommend to NOT use anything made of aluminum or it will taste metallic). Heat the milk over medium heat until 190degrees or little bubbles just appear along the outside, stirring often to prevent scorching. Turn off the heat and add the vinegar. The milk will begin to form curds. Let sit for 5-10 minutes. You will see the fatty cheese separate from the yellowish whey. Line a sieve with cheese cloth or a white kitchen towel and drain the milk into it. What is in the cloth is the cheese. Add the salt to the curds and squeeze out as much whey as possible. Store in the fridge wrapped tightly in plastic or in an air tight container. Will last as long as the milk you used would have in the fridge. 

Uses -
On crackers plain
On crackers with a drizzle of olive oil
On crackers with a drizzle of honey
In cheesy dishes such as stuffed shells or lasagna in place of ricotta
The uses are endless and tasty!

Next I plan on trying to make mascarpone!

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